Crayola Crayons!

Crayola Crayons!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


For the past couple of weeks I have been creating my wiki, it has been quite tricky getting used to using a new website to create a page. However our topic was very interesting, it was "What Was Education Like 30 Years Ago?" The curriculum was basically the same children learnt about english, maths, science, welsh, physical education and reliogious education. However they did not have any technology, they used a blackboard and hardly ever used handouts. the classrooms were very colourful and had all the childrens work on the walls which made them feel proud and valued. I am so glad that technology has developed and has been introduced in schools, because I love using word and the internet to do my school and home work!!

Monday, 14 November 2011

Keep Calm and Carry On

I love this saying as i feel that it keeps me from going isane, if ever i am upset, angry or frustrated about something i always think to myself 'Keep Calm and Carry On'. i have loads of products with the quote on it, such as bags, a pillow, posters, a canvas, postcards, a badge, a book about the history of it and i also have plasters, so if i ever fall over and cut myself i can think to myslef 'keep calm and carry on'. The saying came from the second world war in 1939, it was a poster produced my the British Government it was intended to raise morale and brighten peoples spirits. It gave people hope and the strength to carry on. Which is why i feel the need to share this on my blog as it is important to me...

Shark Tale.

In my uni class we had to work in a group and produce a presentation about an internet site on something we found interesting. my group included Christian, Carys and Liam. We decided to focus on the topic of Sharks, the website we found had alot of cool information and ineresting fact on it. However, because i was created so long ago it didnt have very good images or diagrams on it, the website looked ancient!! The website we found was interesting as the copyright had ended in 2006 so this meant that you could take the information and it wouldnt be classed as theft! I feel that our presentation as a group went well. Click on the website below to view it---->

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


Helloo, my name is Beth, im 18 and currently studying Ed Studies and Swansea Met Uni, and im really enjoying it! I live in Swansea with my mum, my two rabbits, my tortise and three parrots! I work at McDonald's and i really like it there, the people there are so nice and its always so busy so your shift flys by.  I am currently learning to drive and im hoping to pass soon as all my other family live in Bridgend and it would be nice to be able to drive down and see them whenever i want.
I love going out to Wind St with the girls and Jay on a Wednesday and Saturday night! I also love cwtchy nights in with the family and boyfriend! Before I came to Uni i studied my GCSE's and ALevels and Morriston Comprehensive School, i loved it there! and i really miss all of the people there!
I am hoping to graduate in three years and then go on to do the PGCE, then hopefully become a primary school teacher!


My First Post