Helloo, my name is Beth, im 18 and currently studying Ed Studies and Swansea Met Uni, and im really enjoying it! I live in Swansea with my mum, my two rabbits, my tortise and three parrots! I work at McDonald's and i really like it there, the people there are so nice and its always so busy so your shift flys by. I am currently learning to drive and im hoping to pass soon as all my other family live in Bridgend and it would be nice to be able to drive down and see them whenever i want.
I love going out to Wind St with the girls and Jay on a Wednesday and Saturday night! I also love cwtchy nights in with the family and boyfriend! Before I came to Uni i studied my GCSE's and ALevels and Morriston Comprehensive School, i loved it there! and i really miss all of the people there!
I am hoping to graduate in three years and then go on to do the PGCE, then hopefully become a primary school teacher!